Friday, August 15, 2008

Camilla - Part 3: What's In A Name?

This post will conclude the story of Camilla, the "ghost" that haunted our house when we were young. You can read Part 1 here and Part 2 here.

So how did we find out the name of this "ghost" that was haunting our house? After Jill had the dream about it, we knew what it looked like. But we wanted to learn more about it. So we did the standard tape recording of the upstairs. When some explainable noise did turn up on tape, of course that was the ghost communicating with us. So then we knew it was real!

Then one day I saw a paranormal television special that showed a piece of paper with writing on it that people claimed was the actual writing of a ghost. So I told Jill about this new experiment. We set a blank piece of paper and a pencil in Mom and Dad's closet and left it there for a few hours to make sure the ghost had plenty of time to write. Later when I went back to get the paper, I may have scribbled the name "Camilla" on the still blank piece of paper. And I may have claimed that the ghost had written it. After all, I didn't want Jill to be disappointed.

Years later we made a homemade Ouija board and used it at our dining room table. We asked Camilla many questions, and when it came time for her to spell her name for us, I secretly helped her. So this faked experience reinforced the faked experiment from years earlier. It didn't get much more professional than that!

So in conclusion, one could say that the only ghost we ever had hard evidence of was me. And I have no idea where I got the name Camilla. Maybe a real ghost planted it in my mind. . .

*** In March of 2000, I recorded a song called "Camilla". It was about our ghost hunting while growing up. It talks about Bloody Mary, the Spirit Bird (as discussed in this previous post), and a dream Jill had of a white mannequin-thing eating marshmallows that scared her half to death!

Click here to listen to "Camilla"
Click here to read the lyrics to the song

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