Monday, July 28, 2008

New Bicycle

It was Harry's 14th or 15th birthday. We had done about all we could with our K-Mart Special bicycles, so for his birthday his parents got him a new ten-speed bike. We were both so excited. Now our thoughts shifted from bike stunts to speed.

After the party he and I took it out for its maiden flight. I was still on my K-Mart special, but I was able to keep up with him. We rode all the way down Main Street to the south end of town. And this is what we were doing:

We were riding side-by-side, one of us was on the sidewalk, the other on the road. When we came to a driveway, we would cross over and switch places. So now the one that had been on the sidewalk was on the road and vice versa. So we kept switching, trying to go faster and faster. We got to the end of Main Street and turned around. We headed home doing the same thing.

2008 07-28 New Bike

In the picture above (taken in 2008), imagine Harry riding his bike near full speed on the sidewalk coming from the right. And now imagine the smooth sidewalk that meets the road not there, but instead a deep ditch. I was riding on the road next to Harry and watched as his front tire hit that ditch at full speed. The bike stopped and he flew over the handlebars. I can't remember if it was his elbow or knee that got scraped up. But we went to a nearby house and thr lady cleaned up his wounds.

Imagine what was going through our families' minds when they saw us returning from the bike ride with Harry bandaged up and riding my bike and me pushing Harry's bike in a wheelie position (because the front wheel was bent and wouldn't roll). I can't remember if they were more concerned that his new bike was trashed or that he got hurt.

The bike was repaired and passed its initiation. But it had a long road still ahead.

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