Friday, June 13, 2008

You'll Shoot Your Door Out

We loved our bikes. We also loved our guns.

Our town had an area set aside to store large piles of rock. The 'rock piles' were right behind my house. They were also near the Township Building, a community hall. And the back doors of the Township Building were made entirely of glass.

One day when Harry and I were in our early teens, we were with a friend playing Army at the rock piles with our guns (either BB or pellet). At the time there were also large metal drainage pipes being stored there, so we were running and hiding behind the pipes and the rock piles, "attacking" the invisible enemies with our guns. Suddenly during one of our attacks, we heard a 'ping' and one of the back doors of the Township Building instantly spider-webbed. The door had been shot.

We immediately went home and disposed of the guns. Within a few days I noticed the shattered door had been taped up, presumably to hold the glass in place. And eventually it was replaced with a new door. This was one of our big secrets for a long time.

2008 06-13 Township building

These are the back doors of the Township Building in June of 2008.

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